Monday, July 13, 2009

The Routine in Queenswood...

Days in Queenswood seem to be repetetive, but that's not the truth.
In fact every day we've the same timetable: wake up at half past seven, breakfast at eight, lessons at nine, then ,unfortunately, a horrible lunch and lessons again until the evening when we have dinner (horrible again).
You could say that it's very boring, but just sometimes!
On wednesdays we usually have a trip for the full day, as on saturdays, when we visit very beautiful places or go shopping, and once a week we can go to the bowling or to the cinema.
Every day after dinner we can play sports like football, badminton, tennis, or , the funniest cricket, like the one I've played yesterday and it was great... funny but great.
The only wrong thing is that we play those sports after dinner and that's not very good... because you have just eaten and feel so heavy!
After sports we can go around for the camp, and have some free time, but just a few because at a quarter to eleven we must be in bed!
During the day we meet so many peolpe from so many countries , and we have fun during our breaks.
I think that, except, I'm sorry, for the food, the showers, or too much hot, or too much cold, and maybe sometimes for the too strictly rules, Queenswood is great, and I'm really having good time!

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